Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hebrews 6:10

This week was our last week of camp and so much happened that I would love to tell you so I will try to not make this too long!

In class we made Jello, No-Bake Cookies, and decorated cupcakes! None of them had ever made No-bake cookies before so at first they were hesitant to try them but after I convinced them to they all wanted more!! On the last day of camp we decorated cupcakes and I talked to them about how God created them with Love, beauty, intelligence, goodness, ect. and no one is the same. We are all unique just like the cupcakes they personalized with different colors of frosting and designs! I don’t know if they understood my point or not because they were mainly focused on the sugar but it was fun and a great way to end class!

It’s sad to think that camp is over and I will probably never see these kids again but I know God has great things in store for all of our futures. The hardest part for me saying goodbye to them was wondering “who is going to continue to set examples for these kids? Who is going to love them daily? Who’s just going to give these kids the attention that they deserve?” and it’s hard to think that some of them possibly won’t get that until camp peace starts again next year. I learned last week that Santa Rita has really bad drug wars and most people that live there are or know of someone who is involved. That’s why these kids can afford private school and seem better off than others. But in reality they have the material items they want but they don’t get the support and love they need all the time. One girl’s father died a couple of years ago because he was involved and this sweet little girl is only 13! Another girl who’s about 8 lives with her grandma because her parents split up and live in another town and work all the time. I wish they all knew how special and important they are and I hope I showed them the love of Christ this summer and gave them hope for their future. I know some days though I felt like they were showing me more love. On Wednesday we went to El Jerhal (a water park) and took the kids. We were split up and each in charge of a certain amount of kids who had to stay with us at all times and sweet Diego when he found out he wasn’t on my team was so sad. So the intern who was in charge of him asked if he’d rather be on my team and since only one girl on mine showed up we let him switch. His face was soo happy and sweet when she said “ok you can go be on Cynda’s team”. Another time was when sweet Jennifer came up and gave me a hug and a picture she drew in Bible and said she was going to miss me and little Josue gave me a hug and said something “mucho” as he left. I’m assuming something about liking camp a lot or class a lot or who knows what, but it was sweet! All I know is that I will miss them and I know that God will give them many more opportunities to cross paths with Christians who will show them love and treat them the way that they should be.

Today I went to La Pintada (a small village outside of Copan) with Rachel and Abigail. We took food and books and just enjoyed the children’s company there. First we gave them all crackers with peanut butter and then we sat them down and read to them. It was great! I love La Pintada because it’s so beautiful, laid back, and quiet! One thing I love about children is you don’t have to know them for very long before you can seem like their best friend. I was sitting out on the futbol field and one boy that I was randomly tickling came and just sat on my lap for the longest time meanwhile another little boy would come up and tickle me and another girl was playing with my hair! Children are just so open and full of life!!!

Tomorrow we have debriefing all day and then Monday we pack up and deep clean our house before heading to the airport on Tuesday. I can’t believe time has flown by. It seems like yesterday I didn’t know my way around this town and I didn’t know anybody’s name but now our paths have crossed and it’s time for God to take us somewhere else.

Thanks so much for praying for me, the interns, the camp kids, and overall UPH while I was here. Continue to remember that there are organizations and missionaries all over the world that continue to need your prays along with precious children.

One thing I want to leave you with was last night I was sitting at team time and one of our youth leaders said “I’m glad I don’t have to wake up at 5:30 a.m. for camp anymore but it’s also sad because I feel like I don’t have any purpose to wake up for” and immediately I said “But you do, you woke up every day this summer to go to camp and serve God and now every day for the rest of your life you can continue to serve God”. I don’t know where that came from and I didn’t even realize what I said until after but it’s true. We should serve God no matter who we are and where we are because that’s what we were created for.

Me and two other girls gave a devo. A couple of weeks ago and one verse that I shared that has just stuck with me ever since is Hebrews 6:`10 “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and CONTINUE to help them”. Remember that it’s your job daily to serve God in whatever way that looks like to you because you do have a purpose in life!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lots of "Favorites"

This last week has probably been my favorite by far.

Last Sunday night some of the interns went over to Caleo’s (a youth leader’s) house and her parents taught us how to make Baleadas. If you don’t remember that’s the first thing we all ate when we landed in the airport. It’s a tortilla with refried beans and two kinds of cheese. It was fun to learn how to make tortillas from scratch because here they pat their hands back ’n’ forth and SOMEHOW it turns into a flat circle. Mine turned out as heart shapes, ovals, and who knows what with random holes J …They say once a girl can make tortillas she can get married so Daddy your dream may come true and I’ll get married after I’m thirty!!

When we finished making and eating baleadas Caleo, Daniella, Lynette, and I went to Central Park to play futbol in the dark! It was a lot of fun to get to hang out with youth leaders and not be doing camp prep. While we were playing about 6 other kids joined in. I like how sports can bring strangers together to have fun. But one thing that I thought of was “where are these kids’ parents?” No one was around watching them closely and I felt bad that at 9:00 p.m . no one seemed to care where they were.

At camp one of my favorite things we made were Smiley Face Sandwiches. I had the kids cut up grapes and bananas and put them on a peanut butter sandwich to make faces. We talked about how you should be joyful because of the blessings God’s given you and I had them list off a few things they were thankful for!

One of my favorite moments during options this week was with sweet Diego. I helped with the arts and crafts option where we made friendship bracelets and colored. On Thursday Diego who is maybe 6 came and I asked him if he wanted to make a bracelet. He said yes, picked out some colors, and handed it to me. So for a while I’m doing it for him but then I thought it would be good practice for him to try even though I doubted he would understand especially since I don’t know Spanish and he doesn’t know English. I call him over and all I can do is show him and then grab his hands and get him to do it with me….after about 2 min. that boy has it down.  I had to hold the bracelet down and tight but he could wrap the string and tie it faster than anyone else in there. He is so smart and cute. I kept saying things like “Bueno, bonita, Yayyy!” so he would understand I was proud of him and he would just laugh! After options were over I tied it on his arm and he grabbed some more string and said something. All I understood was “casa” so I assumed he wanted to take some home and I said “Si” and his face lite up. Then Diego said something about “Para tu hermana” (For his sister) and I was like “Si” and he wrapped his arms around me and gave me the biggest hug!! Sweet Diego, I love him! It’s been fun seeing him come out of his shell more. At first he was very shy and quiet but now he comes up to me all the time and talks to me (even though I don’t understand) and gives me hugs!

For Fun Friday we had a camp peace vs. camp joy day at the park. Both camps came together and we did things like dodge ball, futbol without a ball, tug of war, and a lot of other outdoor games against each other. During the tug of two of my favorite things happened: 1) some of the older girls of the camp who are about 13 sometimes act like they are “too cool” for songs and things we do at camp but before the tug of war they started our camp cheer really loud and showed a lot of camp pride. It was cool to see and I thought “wow they actually do like camp peace!!” 2) camp peace definitely isn’t as intense or sporty as camp joy because we lost a lot but after about the third time we lost the tug of war the kids started yelling “Perdimos, perdimos, perdimos” and jumping up and down. I was sooo confused. I thought “Didn’t they see that we lost? Why are they jumping up and down and chanting like we won?” And then I asked what they were saying and it was “we lost, we lost”. It was so cute and then my thought was “Yes those are our kids!!” After seeing how the kids at the different camps act I am so thankful to be at camp peace. They really do follow directions, respect us, and are happy in all circumstances!!

I can’t believe we only have one more week of camp with these awesome kids!! I hope for more Favorite moments and that camp peace will continue to have camp pride! Please continue to be praying for us as we finish up our time here. Pray that we will be intentional and show love to all the kids even though we will soon say goodbye! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Finding God in the Chaos of Everyday Life

There are moments in life where we get so caught up in our day to day routine, stress, and a to-do lists that we forget that God is constantly surrounding us. One of my favorite things to do is go somewhere outside that is peaceful where nature surrounds me and everything God created is singing to Him. This last week was probably the craziest by far. You’d think that after being here for several weeks we’d get into the groove of things and have everything under control, but that definitely hasn’t been the case for me. Once camp is over for the day you have to go back and plan for the next day, get your supplies, and head to something else. Monday nights we have worship night with the interns, Tuesday nights are youth nights, Wednesday is community night where we spend time bonding as interns, and Thursday nights are teaching nights where someone comes and speaks to us. It is all great and I’ve enjoyed all of them because I think they have allowed us to all grow closer together  but there are times where I wish there were more hours in a day. After feeling overwhelmed all week I went to the Bird Park Saturday morning with two friends from Harding (Abigail and Lynette). It was GREAT!! I felt like we were in a rain forest the whole time surrounded by God and His creation. We got to see a lot of really cool birds and even hold and talk to a few J In the park there was a short nature walk, which really the whole things was a nature walk the only difference about this one is it wasn’t paved so you felt more like you were hiking!! It was so peaceful and quiet, as I’m thinking “God knew I needed this time just to meditate and relax away from noise and crowded streets” I realized I’m surrounded by God’s creation EVERYDAY!! During the nature hike we came upon a family playing in a river and washing clothes.  When I saw them my immediate thought was God created them too! It was at that moment that I realized that after praying for quiet time where I could be surrounded by God all week that I realized God blesses all of us with being around him 24/7. Even in the chaos of being around people running from place to place you are still surrounded by Gods creation and I think we take that for granted, or at least I do. 

After the bird park we all went as a group of interns to the Hot Springs!! It was also really relaxing and definitely the best way to spend Saturday midway through our time here. We enjoyed rubbing this clay mud all over us and letting it dry while vapor that smelled like rotten eggs blew past us and opened our pores!! Lol we def. looked like crazy Americans and at one point we thought do Hondurans even do this and does it even work or is this just a way for them to make money and laugh at us!! Either way we had a good time!

This week is going to be another crazy week full of activities but with only two weeks left its impossible not to want to do everything and soak it all up before it’s over. In class I am teaching my students how to make main dishes so we are going to try to make mini pizza’s, smiley sandwiches, and quesadilla’s! My youth leader Rita who I’ve enjoyed working had to quite today. It’s really sad because she had an aunt pass away last Friday and her Grandpa has been in the hospital so she doesn’t have the time and her family really needs her at home. I enjoyed getting to work with her and watch her become more of a leader, I wish she could continue to help me teach the class but I know she’s going through a lot right now! I just hope that she had a positive experience as a UPH youth leader and I hope I can find a way to communicate with the youngest class since she helped translate! I would really appreciate it though if you would keep Rita and her family in your prayers!! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I can't believe its halfway over!

So a lot has happened this past week and a lot is going on this week as well. We are all always going somewhere, getting something, or needing to be doing one of those things!
Last week in cooking class our theme was “drinks”, so Rita and I taught the class how to make chocolate-banana smoothies, fruit smoothies, and horchata. The problem was….I’ve never made horchata or drank horchata and Rita was sick the day we were supposed to make it. I think the school administration ladies who randomly walk past my class or sit in the kitchen overlooking thought I was some crazy Gringo who’s never cooked in my life! My first problem was my class blended the rice in water the day before so it could CHILL overnight, but it definitely FROZE in the refrigerator. So we had to thaw it out and add more water. The next problem was I added too much cinnamon…I didn’t know the difference but someone told me the color of the drink was darker than it should’ve been. Who knew? In the end though with A LOT of help from Marta and Alejandro (youth leaders) it turned out great!! J
Friday night UPH had their 4th annual Locos Futbol Tournament!! There were a lot of teams mixed with full time staff, summer staff, interns, and youth! It was a lot of fun just to have everyone together in one place at the same time cheering each other on and playing! I was on the Northern Ireland team and we actually made it to the semi-finals…none of the girls on my team had ever played I don’t think so I was expecting us to get out early but we survived and I actually made a goal! 
On Saturday we went to the Mayan Ruins! It was really cool to get to see where and how the Mayans used to live and why Copan Ruinas is such a touristy town. I wasn’t feeling the best so it was hard for me to pay attention to the tour guide but I caught a few things here and there that I thought were interesting. The ruins are spread throughout this area and the river divided the rich from the poor. The rich always wanted to distinguish themselves from the others so they would do things to make themselves stand out. When a baby is born up until they are 20 months they would strap a board to their forehead to make from the tip of their nose to the center of their head flat. So they had flat foreheads and a point in the top of their heads. They also would get teeth pulled or decorated with jade so their teeth were green. None of these sound to me like they are very healthy for anyone but when He was talking about it I thought “you know what, we do that too”. As Americans we go on crazy diets to be thin, we dye our hair, we tan, ect…..what are people going to think of us in a thousand years when they hear that?
This week we have a lot going on…in class Rita and I are teaching how to make appetizers/sides, we are going to watch one of the local public school spelling bees where some UPH staff do an afterschool program and tutoring, we are having a talent show with our youth leaders, Our fun Friday camp theme is “costume party”, and Saturday we are planning a trip to the hot springs.

One thought I want to leave you with is Rachel N. who help found UPH gave a devo. the other night and talked about how God chose you. He chose you to go through everything you’ve been through and everything you will go through, He chose you to be where you are right now, He put people in your life for a reason, and every interaction you have even if it’s a simple “hello” to a stranger was for a reason even if you never know why. God says, “I, the Lord, chose you”…it’s not a mistake because God knows you fully. We don’t even know our whole selves because we are constantly changing and growing. BUT God sees the full picture. He knows who we will be when we are whole and His timing is perfect. One scripture we used was Isaiah 29:16 “You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it ‘He did not make me’? Can the pot say to the potter, ‘He knows nothing’?”  So instead of wondering why something’s happening, why you are where you are, or even changing yourself to try to be what you think you’re supposed to be in a situation instead of who God created you to be remember that GOD CHOSE YOU TO BE THERE AT THAT MOMENT WITH YOUR SPECIFIC HEART MIND AND SOUL  FOR A REASON. No one understands you completely not even you do, but God does. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Love, Love, Love!!

This weekend was our first weekend we stayed here in Copan Ruinas. It was nice just to experience what life is like and what people do for fun! Some of us went Saturday to La Pintada (a small village outside of Copan). It took us about an hour to walk there from the office and then we met up with a few children who showed us the way to the waterfall!! The hike was uphill most of the way which was hard for us Americans, but those sweet kids would run up ahead barefoot and stop and wait for us! The view was gorgeous and the waterfall was so clear. We enjoyed eating lunch up there and playing with the kids. On the way back down I held Franky who’s three and the cutest little boy!!! I felt like he was the first Honduran I’ve been able to communicate well with, probably because neither of us know very much Spanish!! J He would point and count the cows but he could only count to three so I helped him out. Then I would point to other animals like chickens, a horse, a dog and say “Que Es?” and he would name the animals!

When we got back down to the houses a few of us went to Harleen and Franky’s house because their mom wanted to show us how to make dolls. On the streets in Copan Ruinas little girls will come up to you with a bag of different size dolls and try to sell them to you. I was soo excited that we finally had the opportunity to sit in a true Honduran home with a family!! When we got there the mother was very hospitable and found us all chairs to sit in and then asked who wanted to make one. No one volunteered so I decided to do it and I’m soo glad I did. She was really sweet and showed me step by step what to do and when I definitely didn’t do it right (most of the time) she would take it and help me! (The dolls are made out of dried corn husks that have been dyed).

After we left her house we went to a local fabric store run entirely by women who use a loom to weave scarves, purses, headbands, ect. The money they earn goes toward feeding their families and buying school supplies.
On the way back to Copan we took a different trail and passed by a mini Mayan ruin. The main Mayan Ruins are located right outside Copan Ruinas on the drive to Camp Peace but apparently there are random Mayan remains scattered throughout this area that are free to explore! The one we saw was a bunch of large rocks that at one point probably had carvings on them but the only one we could identify was a frog. Frogs in the Mayan culture symbolize fertility.

                This past week we’ve all really been focused on love. How important it is, what your intentions are, and making sure you love all people. It’s easy to get caught up at camp thinking “oh it’s just another day that we have to occupy the children” but really it’s another day to demonstrate God’s love to one another. This last weekend at a devo we talked about 1 Corinthians 13 which most of us have heard multiple times in our lives but it was a good reminder. One girl brought up the fact that when you read it different points pop out and certain ways to love are harder than others at different times because of what you’re going through at the moment in life. You may struggle with patients one week and being boastful the next. Another point that was made was how it’s those who you struggle to love the most that really need it and in the process of showing love to them you grow closer to God. For example at camp their might be a child who really just doesn’t pay attention and acts out a lot but because of it you pray to God more for the strength to love that child and due to that dependence on him you are strengthened. Not to say that these kids here are bad, that was just an example. Really the children at camp have been great! I’ve loved getting to teach them, play with them, and just find out more about them. But the next time you’re asking God “why am I in this situation, or struggle” instead of asking God to take it away we should be thanking him and running to accept the challenge because in the end we will be strengthened in Christ and more prepared for the next trial ahead.

                Please be praying for all the interns this week. We’ve had several get sick and we are all definitely running low on energy. Pray that we will be strengthened through the trials we have ahead of us and remember to thank God for your own personal trials and growth. 

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Boy Who Stole My Heart

There comes a point where you can’t do everything yourself and you know God is the only one with the power to fulfill every want and need in this world whether it’s through you or someone else. UPH is a wonderful program that serves God in great and wonderful ways but it’s just impossible to reach every child here in Copan Ruinas. The camp I’m working at is for the private school children because the public schools go year round and those that don’t have the privilege of attending either school can’t afford necessarily to take off of work because the money they make helps feed their family who depend on them. This hit me pretty hard on Wed, the 1st day of camp. I was teaching my class. We were singing songs and having a good time and I look over and the sweetest little innocent eyes were looking at me with interest. They were wondering “Who is that Gringo” “What are they saying” “It looks like they are having fun”…but never jealousy! He would smile at the thought of imagining himself being a part of our class and then get back to reality and start to work on the school building. This sweet boy is maybe seven and works alongside 2 grown men to help keep the school grounds clean and add on! I feel really bad that we are practically right in his face showing him what he’s missing out on and I wish I could just say “Hey why don’t you go play with them while I do your job” but I can’t because it’s out of my control. I pray that he knows Jesus and benefits from us being there. I know God has a plan and purpose for him, I don’t know what it is but I do know that this boy with no name has stolen my heart!

Okay enough of that emotional stuff! Camp has been great. It’s hard for me because not very many of the children know English like I was expecting. The camp is a bilingual camp and is taught in English but soo many of them don’t understand me, especially the youngest who have only been attending a bilingual school for a couple years. I have learned though that I can connect with older kids. Naomi, Stephanie, and Marlon are some of the kids I’ve connected the best with and they are going into 5th and 6th grade….def. not the age I expected to be spending the most time with, but I love it! And you don’t have to speak the same language to have fun together!...Thursday during recreational activities I was down by the futbol field playing with some of the kids and noticed little Mario who’s 5 going over to the playground. One of our jobs is to make sure no children are off on their own so I snuck up on him underneath the slide said “Boo” and tickled him. HE LOVED IT!!! After that he would run and try to get away from me and I would attack him and it would start over and over again. Next thing I know Diego, Aleph, and Harvey joined in and they would point at me and say “Esta Lobos, Esta Lobos”. After running around so much I got tired and decided to pretend to play dead. Then they would sneak up on me and I would wake up again and trick them!! All we did was run and laugh and connected even with the huge language barrier! Martha came over about halfway through and told me that they were calling me a wolf! J
On Friday’s we don’t teach class and we call it “Special Friday” because we do different activities with the kids! Today we had a futbol tournament along with jump ropes, basketball, and water games! We started the day off in our camp teams which are equally divided into colors, mine being Green, and we made a poster and a cheer! My team named ourselves the green monsters and we totally dominated in the tournament, just saying!! Lol I was very proud of them. They were very positive and cheered on their teammates. We had a blast!  

We don’t have camp on the weekends so UPH planned a hike to a waterfall tomorrow and we get to swim!! I’m excited to get out and see what it’s like around Copan! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

He Makes Beautiful Things

Today is our day off because Camp starts tomorrow!!! Im excited to get started into the routine of camp and am blessed to have a relaxing day to enjoy by myself and become rejuvenated for an ENERGY filled next 5 weeks! Since I have some time I will update ya’ll just about random things that might be interesting!

                We went on a staff retreat Sat. and Sun to Welchez coffee farm and reserve about an hour away. It was Beautiful! It’s a family owned business where they grow coffee beans but haven’t completely done away with the natural landscape because they said the land needs its natural resources so they have preserved the land and grow the best coffee possible. They drove us up a hill and we took a walking trial around part of the land. It felt like I was in a rainforest!! It was gorgeous! There were giant trees and vines everywhere. We even crossed a wooden bridge over a small waterfall that had crystal clear water.

The path took us to an open restaurant where we ate a meal similar to what they would eat when they have special guests or during holidays. They served us tamales as an appetizer; rice, beans, and meat as a main dish; and a small thicker tortilla fried with honey and sugar as dessert along with coffee! After lunch we walked back to the house we were staying in and walked past the machines they wash the coffee beans in. They wash it about three times to get different layers off and then it dry’s and goes into another machine and comes out ready to sack! The rest of the time there we spent going over UPH’s core values, having devo’s, and enjoying each other’s company! (The Welchez have a cafĂ© in Copan Ruinas just down the road from the UPH office with is where im sitting right now)

                Not really too much has happened besides the retreat because the rest of our time has been spent preparing for camp. We’ve gotten our class rooms decorated and our materials ready for the first couple days of camp. We’ve also been coming up with different games, songs, and activities that we want to do at camp…just a lot of running around and meetings!

                But I can’t end on that more boring note so here are a few random facts:

·         The power here goes out at least every few nights. Sometimes it flickers and other times it goes off for maybe an hour.  

·         20 Lempiras is $1 and things here are pretty cheap. You can get a Honduran meal for anywhere around 40 Lemp.s unless you go to a more touristy restaurant and then a meal is more Americanized and costs about $5.

·         It is the beginning of rainy season so it is pretty hot and humid. You can’t go anywhere without sweating, or at least I can’t J the good thing is its more cloudy than sunny and when it does rain it’s in the evenings and it cools the air down a lot!

·         Oh and I held a baby parrot!!